Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Look What I Just Googled

Google Teacher Academy - Need to apply, show how you will use it and be willing to go out and present/share and be apart of the listserv.

Emails: I want to send and moderate emails. Classroom gmail account-can be moderated.

Calendar: Uses calendar (published/public) for assignments - posting and details.

Docs: Newer items include drawing and form options.

Forms: Create quiz, poll, etc.

Template component of the Google Domain allows you to share school templates.

Google Alert: Setup an alert for updates on topics delivered to your mailbox or rss feed.

Custom Search - Create a list of sites for students to "search" for things.

Google Scribe: Finishes what you are typing by predicting the word you want to type and showing you how to spell it correctly.

Google Lit Trips:

Google Book Marks: Set up by Grade Level!

Google Tools for Educators WEbinars: Free Technology for Teachers.

December 7th - Taking google Apps to the next Level

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