Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Join Me for PD in Your PJ's!

Google Sites - The Perfect Portfolio Venue

Session Description
No matter what your portfolio need, the Google Site has something to offer. Schools have struggled with portfolio issues such as storage, presentation, customization, access, and transfer of ownership. Not only does Google Sites offer a solution to those ongoing considerations, it is easy, fun and allows the user to gain many 21st Century Skills in the process! If schools have deployed Google Apps for Edu - "sites" can be used for comprehensive portfolio, competency portfolio, project portfolio and more!

  • Suggested audience: Students, university and lifelong learners, Educators, primary and secondary, Educators, university
    and continuing education, IT leads, School and district leaders, People who support educators , People who support students
  • Prior experience or knowledge: Beginner (very new to this topic), Intermediate (have some familiarity), Advanced (I am an expert in this topic, but always up for more learning)
  • Time: 12:00 pm Eastern
  • Session hashtag: #portfoliosites
  • Conference hashtag: #pdinpjs
Name: Allison Mollica
Position: Instructional Technology Leader
View live here or Sign up below to be a guest panelist for the session
  • If you simply wish to view the live presentation of this session, simply come back to this session page at the time of
     the presentation to view the live stream.
  • However, if you wish to be a part of the live Hangout for the session, please fill out this form.  The sessions will be
    conducted using a Google Hangout which can include up to 10 people.  The presenter for this session may choose
    several people to be in the live Hangout, allowing these participants to ask questions and offer comments as part
    of the live broadcast.  The presenter will contact people with more information later.

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